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Available now: ERPs anywhere with the PEER App for X.on

PEER (Portable EEG ERP Researcher) is an in-app ERP analysis tool that allows users to record various ERP paradigms basically anywhere on iOS devices.

PEER follows current ERP best practices and takes the raw EEG data and associated event markers for a task to generate conditional and difference ERP waveforms. First, the continuous EEG is preprocessed using techniques such as filtering, segmentation, baseline correction, and artifact rejection. Then, average ERP waveforms are generated, and a difference waveform is computed. Finally, the relevant ERP components for a given task are scored, and the components’ amplitude and latency are displayed on screen. These results can be easily entered into statistical software such as SPSS or R to generate manuscript-ready results.

PEER features at a glance:

ERPs Anywhere

  • Conduct ERP experiments effortlessly using your iPad or iPhone.
  • Includes a comprehensive suite of fully customizable research paradigms
    – Visual & Auditory Oddball
    – Visual & Auditory Go NoGo
    – Reward Gambling, nBack,
    – Posner Cued Attention Task,
    – Image Presenter
  • Monitor data quality in real time during EEG acquisition to ensure accurate results.
  • Access real-time trial counts, block counts, and block results for immediate feedback.

Data Quality Assurance

  • Perform in-app impedance assessments and view electrode maps for precise monitoring.
  • Post-acquisition data visualization includes raw EEG and ERP data.
  • Proven data acquisition validation within academic research environments.
  • Rigorous analysis validated using Brain Vision Analyzer and EEGLAB.
  • Export data in various formats for maximum flexibility and ease of use.

Effortless Raw Data Acquisition

  • Capture continuous raw EEG data with minimal effort.
  • Insert markers in real time for precise event tagging.
  • Onscreen recording clock ensures temporal accuracy of data.
  • Save and share your data instantly with a single button press.

Currently PEER has no other compatible hardware implemented than X.on. Activation codes are exclusively available from Brain Products.

PEER makes ERP research portable, flexible, intuitive and efficient for only 1995€!


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